Funding for Long-Term Care

Funding for Long-Term Care

There are 4 types of funding for long term care:

Self funding – if you have assets of more than £23250 then you will be responsible for funding all of your care. Once you reach £23250 and the rest of your money has gone in care fees, the local authority will complete a financial assessment to see how much you can then contribute to your care. They will pay the rest. This applies to residential homes and care in your own home.Funding for Long-Term Care


Nursing care funding – if you have nursing needs, then the nursing care element of your funding is paid directly to the home and is essentially free. This only applies if you are in a nursing home. The nursing care rate is currently £158.16 per week. The remainder of the fees should be paid by the local authority, or you if you are self funding.Funding for Long-Term Care


Social Care funding – if you are assessed as having social care needs and have savings below £14250 you will have your care paid for by the local authority. If you have between £14250 and £23250 in savings the local authority will contribute to your care costs but calculate your contribution using a tariff income calculation. However, regardless of the savings threshold, you will have to pay a contribution depending on your monthly income from pensions, benefits, etc. In most cases, you are allowed to keep a personal allowance of £24.90. This applies to residential care and care in your own home.Funding for Long-Term Care


Continuing Healthcare Funding (CHC) – if you have complex needs and are assessed as qualifying for CHC funding, then all of your care will be funded by the NHS, and is free, with no contributions necessary. However, there is a very difficult process to go through and you may need to get expert advice on this. CHC is the NHS’s BEST KEPT SECRET and a lot of people do not know this is even available. This funding is available in any setting, even your own home.Funding for Long-Term Care


If you need help understanding what funding you’re entitled to get in touch by emailing

#SafeguardingFutures #TrustInUs

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