Judicial Review into the Continuing Healthcare Scandal

This crucial campaign is being crowd funded and led by Rear Admiral Philip Mathias, who successfully fought the NHS to recover thousands of pounds on behalf of his mother, who had to pay for her care, which should have been funded by them.

They have now raised over £100,000 and they have their first hearing in court on June 23rd 2021.

Thousands of people each year are denied free funding because they are deemed not eligible for Continuing Healthcare Funding, which is supposed to be for those who have a primary healthcare need. The process has been made so complex that most people just do not end up qualifying, despite having a range of long term needs and conditions. These people end up selling their homes and losing their life savings because they then have to fund their own care!

Statistics show that there has been a gradual decrease in eligibility over several years, despite an ever increasing ageing population. We see many examples (through our facebook page) where people’s relatives have been turned down for funding by some very questionable and underhand tactics by Clinical Commissioning Groups and Continuing Healthcare Assessors.

The system is often seen as ‘corrupt’ and ‘financially driven’ despite the underpinning framework and legal context stating it should have nothing to do with finances.
Philip Mathias is asking for a Judicial Review into this scandal to put a stop to what is also seen as a ‘postcode lottery’ of unexplained variations of eligibility across the country, assessments being carried out by untrained professionals and a significant drop in cases of eligibility since 2015.

We have actively supported this campaign through our Facebook Group, and donated ourselves to the Crowd Funding. In addition, I have provided a ‘Witness Statement’ for the court case, which outlines my professional experience of the CHC system and the inconsistencies in decision making and the fundamental problems with the assessments, which are used to downplay needs in the majority of cases.

To find out more about this campaign, please go to the website at www.nhschcscandal.co.uk

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